Barack Obama & DNCs new Logo, more revolutionary, no longer patriotic.
Learn of Barack Obamas background. New information surface on his radical anti-kapitalsit pro-muslim background. Go here:
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
Det är de enda alternativ jag kan komma på för att förklara vad som håller på att hända med Sverige
lördag 20 oktober 2012
söndag 16 september 2012
Mansions given to somali jet-refugees callings themselves "abandoned child refugees" Laholm Sweden
Mansions given to somali jet-refugees callings themselves "abandoned child refugees" Laholm Sweden
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
Mansions given to somali jet-refugees callings themselves "abandoned child refugees" Laholm Sweden
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
lördag 7 juli 2012
Swedes are evicted and replaced by refugees in public housing, government tell Swedes to GET OUT,
Swedes are evicted and replaced by refugees, government tell Swedes to GET OUT,
Cities are now trying new methods to obtain additional housing to refugees. All public housing is already full of refugees and cities have started buying and renting mansions, former royal palaces, campgrounds, hotels and any and all types of housing to fit masses of asylum seekers.
Some cities are now trying a new method to obtain additional housing. They evict Swedes put them in the street and install refugees in the homes of the evicted swedes. In Grums locals are protesting the new nazi methods of internal deportation of citizens.
The evicted victims don't get much support in media since media is supporting the mass immigration policy and the replacement of the native population.
A demonstration is planned for July 14, 2012 where they protest the actions of the local socialist politicians to evict elderly and disadvantaged Swedes without power or influence.
Facebook group in support of the evicted victims,
Convicted terrorist get asylum and housing,
103-year old woman is evicted from care home for elderly. The city said, "to save money", while the city made room for more refugees.
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
Swedes are evicted and replaced by refugees, government tell Swedes to GET OUT,
Cities are now trying new methods to obtain additional housing to refugees. All public housing is already full of refugees and cities have started buying and renting mansions, former royal palaces, campgrounds, hotels and any and all types of housing to fit masses of asylum seekers.
Some cities are now trying a new method to obtain additional housing. They evict Swedes put them in the street and install refugees in the homes of the evicted swedes. In Grums locals are protesting the new nazi methods of internal deportation of citizens.
The evicted victims don't get much support in media since media is supporting the mass immigration policy and the replacement of the native population.
A demonstration is planned for July 14, 2012 where they protest the actions of the local socialist politicians to evict elderly and disadvantaged Swedes without power or influence.
Facebook group in support of the evicted victims,
Convicted terrorist get asylum and housing,
103-year old woman is evicted from care home for elderly. The city said, "to save money", while the city made room for more refugees.
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
torsdag 12 april 2012
Gruesome afghan rape marathon in swedish refugee camp, Socialist:" It's rasism to expel them"
Afghan rape marathon in swedish refugee camp, a dozen refugees rape a caretaker. A socialist reacted to the gruesome crime:" It's racism to expel them".
Seven afghan refugees to Sweden were convicted of a gruesome mass rape.
The prosecutor said it was the most gruesome rape marathon in the nations history.
Nearly a dozen afghans raped of a 29-year old mother of two, a caretaker non-stop for 7 hours.
Afghans asylum seekers at the Mariannelund refugee camp tasked a friend with bringing a woman to the refugee camp so they could rape her.
The main character, Rafi Bahaduri went to the home of a 29 year old female caretaker. He tricked her into the car and to took her to the refugee housing where he and the others raped her.
The young mother of 2 children were taken to the refugee camp under false pretense where a dozen asylum seekers waited.
The refugees forced her down on a bed and ripped her clothes off. The rape was oral, anal and vaginal sometimes with three rapists inside her at the same time while everybody was cheering and clapping.
The gruesome rape marathon lasted for 7 hours. 11 suspect may have been involved taking turns while drinking and getting high on drugs.
The asylum seekers were cheering and clapping their hands during the rape marathon while calling the victim "whore" and "slut".
For primitive afghans, a "whore" means any non-muslim woman and rape is accepted practice.
A total of 11 rapists were suspected of taking part in the afghan rape marathon. Only 7 were convicted, they got 4.5 - 6.5 years in prison, those expelled are permitted back after a few years. The main suspect who tricked the victim to go with him to the rape den will not even be expelled.
The victim is now in a wheelchair suffering from mental distress.
En del material har hämtas från följade bloggar och hemsidor. Läs mer i ,
Läs dem regelbundet.
refugees marathon rape mariannelund flyktingförläggning våldtäkt Elina Gustafsson SSU Blekinge
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
Afghan rape marathon in swedish refugee camp, a dozen refugees rape a caretaker. A socialist reacted to the gruesome crime:" It's racism to expel them".
Seven afghan refugees to Sweden were convicted of a gruesome mass rape.
The prosecutor said it was the most gruesome rape marathon in the nations history.
Nearly a dozen afghans raped of a 29-year old mother of two, a caretaker non-stop for 7 hours.
Afghans asylum seekers at the Mariannelund refugee camp tasked a friend with bringing a woman to the refugee camp so they could rape her.
The main character, Rafi Bahaduri went to the home of a 29 year old female caretaker. He tricked her into the car and to took her to the refugee housing where he and the others raped her.
The young mother of 2 children were taken to the refugee camp under false pretense where a dozen asylum seekers waited.
The refugees forced her down on a bed and ripped her clothes off. The rape was oral, anal and vaginal sometimes with three rapists inside her at the same time while everybody was cheering and clapping.
The gruesome rape marathon lasted for 7 hours. 11 suspect may have been involved taking turns while drinking and getting high on drugs.
The asylum seekers were cheering and clapping their hands during the rape marathon while calling the victim "whore" and "slut".
For primitive afghans, a "whore" means any non-muslim woman and rape is accepted practice.
A total of 11 rapists were suspected of taking part in the afghan rape marathon. Only 7 were convicted, they got 4.5 - 6.5 years in prison, those expelled are permitted back after a few years. The main suspect who tricked the victim to go with him to the rape den will not even be expelled.
The victim is now in a wheelchair suffering from mental distress.
En del material har hämtas från följade bloggar och hemsidor. Läs mer i ,
Läs dem regelbundet.
refugees marathon rape mariannelund flyktingförläggning våldtäkt Elina Gustafsson SSU Blekinge
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
tisdag 13 mars 2012
Obama Can't Decide about Bin Laden, The road we've traveled, Obama campaign ad.
Obama Can't Decide about Bin Laden, The road we've traveled, Obama campaign ad.
Barack Obama campaign video by Davis Guggenheim Tom Hanks narrated The road we've traveled Obama Biden.
Slightly modified by whathitthefan in order to make you think. Does the background of our president matter?
Obama want to repay poor countries for western colonialism just like Coronel Gadaffi demanded.
Obama is driving up oil prices, the winner of the Obama policy is mostly the muslim arab states. It's no coincidence that an attorney for the oil cartel was the main sponsor of Obama starting with getting Obama in to college.
Listen to Moammar Gadaffis demands as stated in UN.
Barack Obama campaign video Davis Guggenheim Tom Hanks narrated The road we've traveled Biden Dreams from my father muslim Dinesh D'Souza 2016 Gerald Molen Breitbart Hot Air nobama
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
Obama Can't Decide about Bin Laden, The road we've traveled, Obama campaign ad.
Barack Obama campaign video by Davis Guggenheim Tom Hanks narrated The road we've traveled Obama Biden.
Slightly modified by whathitthefan in order to make you think. Does the background of our president matter?
Obama want to repay poor countries for western colonialism just like Coronel Gadaffi demanded.
Obama is driving up oil prices, the winner of the Obama policy is mostly the muslim arab states. It's no coincidence that an attorney for the oil cartel was the main sponsor of Obama starting with getting Obama in to college.
Listen to Moammar Gadaffis demands as stated in UN.
Barack Obama campaign video Davis Guggenheim Tom Hanks narrated The road we've traveled Biden Dreams from my father muslim Dinesh D'Souza 2016 Gerald Molen Breitbart Hot Air nobama
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
tisdag 21 februari 2012
Violent muslim refugees/jihadists attack Lars Vilks during free speech meeting Karlstad University
Violent muslim refugees/jihadists to Sweden attack the cartoonist Lars Vilks during free speech meeting at Karlstad University on February 21 2012.
Vilka has been attacked before during public meetings, muslims have on several occations tried to kill him. Al Qaida and their gay sister organization Al Shabaab has promised to murder Vilks due to the funny dog cartoons he created. The Swedish legal system appears to be incompetent in handling attempt of murder, physical attacks and threats. Nobody get arrested, convicted or even expelled from the country.
The Swedish government promotes massimmigration of muslims, arikcans and arabs. The swedish goverment will pay employers 80 % of the salary with the taxpayers money if they fire a swede and replace him with a refugee. Immigrant ghettos in sweden has around 90 % unemployment, the government plan to impose tax free zones in those areas discriminating swedes who still will be required to pay full taxes, the worlds highest taxes. Immigrants already have first option to goverment jobs, study and welfare, now the government takes additional steps to reduce the number of swedes having jobs and to increase the number of immigrants taking over those jobs.
Read more about how the government promotes more jihadist refugees to Sweden, in Swedish;
In English,
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
Violent muslim refugees/jihadists to Sweden attack the cartoonist Lars Vilks during free speech meeting at Karlstad University on February 21 2012.
Vilka has been attacked before during public meetings, muslims have on several occations tried to kill him. Al Qaida and their gay sister organization Al Shabaab has promised to murder Vilks due to the funny dog cartoons he created. The Swedish legal system appears to be incompetent in handling attempt of murder, physical attacks and threats. Nobody get arrested, convicted or even expelled from the country.
The Swedish government promotes massimmigration of muslims, arikcans and arabs. The swedish goverment will pay employers 80 % of the salary with the taxpayers money if they fire a swede and replace him with a refugee. Immigrant ghettos in sweden has around 90 % unemployment, the government plan to impose tax free zones in those areas discriminating swedes who still will be required to pay full taxes, the worlds highest taxes. Immigrants already have first option to goverment jobs, study and welfare, now the government takes additional steps to reduce the number of swedes having jobs and to increase the number of immigrants taking over those jobs.
Read more about how the government promotes more jihadist refugees to Sweden, in Swedish;
In English,
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
fredag 20 januari 2012
Newt Gingrich slam trash talking CNN, Newt get a standing ovation in S Carolina debate.
Newt Gingrich slam trash talking CNN, Newt get a standing ovation.
CNN begins the presidential debate on January 19-2012 with 15 year old trash talk from an ex-wife of Speaker Newt Gingrich. Newt slams CNN for its trash talk and lack of professionalism and get a standing ovation from the public.
CNN stands embarrassed and exposed for its attempt to scandalize the republicans. The debate continued leaving all important questions out of the debate. Jobs, the debt, the economy, energy independence are the most important issues, all of them reflects negatively on Barack Obama, so CNN never discussed them.
CNN is not news, CNN is only pro-Obama bias all the way to the election.
Don't trust CNN.
Don't trust Obama media.
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel
Newt Gingrich slam trash talking CNN, Newt get a standing ovation.
CNN begins the presidential debate on January 19-2012 with 15 year old trash talk from an ex-wife of Speaker Newt Gingrich. Newt slams CNN for its trash talk and lack of professionalism and get a standing ovation from the public.
CNN stands embarrassed and exposed for its attempt to scandalize the republicans. The debate continued leaving all important questions out of the debate. Jobs, the debt, the economy, energy independence are the most important issues, all of them reflects negatively on Barack Obama, so CNN never discussed them.
CNN is not news, CNN is only pro-Obama bias all the way to the election.
Don't trust CNN.
Don't trust Obama media.
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel