Violent muslim refugees/jihadists to Sweden attack the cartoonist Lars Vilks during free speech meeting at Karlstad University on February 21 2012.
Vilka has been attacked before during public meetings, muslims have on several occations tried to kill him. Al Qaida and their gay sister organization Al Shabaab has promised to murder Vilks due to the funny dog cartoons he created. The Swedish legal system appears to be incompetent in handling attempt of murder, physical attacks and threats. Nobody get arrested, convicted or even expelled from the country.
The Swedish government promotes massimmigration of muslims, arikcans and arabs. The swedish goverment will pay employers 80 % of the salary with the taxpayers money if they fire a swede and replace him with a refugee. Immigrant ghettos in sweden has around 90 % unemployment, the government plan to impose tax free zones in those areas discriminating swedes who still will be required to pay full taxes, the worlds highest taxes. Immigrants already have first option to goverment jobs, study and welfare, now the government takes additional steps to reduce the number of swedes having jobs and to increase the number of immigrants taking over those jobs.
Read more about how the government promotes more jihadist refugees to Sweden, in Swedish;
In English,
Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel