söndag 10 juli 2011

BBC:s tystnad om invandringen skadade England

ENGLAND Att situationen i England är minst lika illa som här hemma, om inte flera gånger värre, är sedan länge känt. Islamiseringen har på sina håll gått väldigt långt och medias tigande om problemet har bara nyligen börjat luckras upp. Jenny McCartney heter en kolumnist som skriver i The Telegraph. I sitt senaste alster avhandlar hon ämnet hur den statliga radion och televisionens, BBC – Sveriges Radio/Televisions motsvarighet, tystnad om invandringen har skadat landet.

Mark Thompson, generaldirektör för BBC, medgav nyligen att de avsiktligt skyggat från ämnen rörande invandringen för att inte kunna misstänkas producera någon sorts propaganda för British National Party – inte alltför olikt situationen i Sverige med andra ord.

It was interesting to hear Mark Thompson, the director-general of the BBC, admit last week that in the past, the corporation "has had limitations. For example, I think there were some years when the BBC, like the rest of the UK media, was very reticent about talking about immigration. There was an anxiety whether you might be playing into a political agenda if you did items on immigration." In other words, it was quietly believed that even raising the topic meant that the BBC was producing propaganda for British National Party.

What Mr Thompson has admitted – and at least he is honest about it – is that before 2010, our national broadcaster became a hostage to the insidious culture of the unsayable, which established itself across so much of British life during the Labour years, and left a legacy of widespread damage.


But it also seems reasonable that if there is going to be a very sharp rise in immigration in a very short time – as there was under Labour, when just over three million legal immigrants arrived in 13 years – there should at least be an open discussion about how many can be welcomed without flooding the job market and putting an unsustainable strain on health and education systems. Immigrants don't tend to compete for the jobs of BBC executives. The professional middle classes might well be delighted that they suddenly have a glut of cheap, efficient Polish workmen to choose from. A painter-decorator with a family to support might not.


Yet for far too long, the corporation simply bottled it, preferring to leave any mention of the i-word to the BNP. As a result, the notion of the "unsayable" was perpetuated, an official omertà that let government policy proceed unchallenged – in a chaotic style that even Labour now admits was a mistake – while popular concern mounted.

The Telegraph

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